There are 23 best practices within the information systems life cycle phases that were identified by the professionals in this site ( Among those, I only chose ten.
These practices were identified to help stakeholders in managing an information systems software project. Each of these contributes to the success of the project. So why not learn these practices?
1. Determine if you have a project.
-Addressing the organization’s problems and deficiencies could help in easy building solutions. Member of the organization should be vigilant and should find ways to help the organization. Recommending projects is a great idea.
2. Try to keep projects small and modular.
-Ideal IS application architecture is easy to debug for error handling, for the improvement of the application for future use, and easy organization and evaluation. An application need not be complex. The design should suit to what the organization’s need.
3. Describe the project in functional terms.
-In creating a project, the functions of the system should be specified. These should be considered: how the application would work, what the expected outputs are, how the user would interact and what are the inputs, and other concepts.
4. Know your business processes.
-Understanding the business processes would lessen the inconsistencies. Before recommending a system, a study should be conducted on what are the different business processes and how does it run.
5. Evaluate the project financially.
-Identifying the projects costs and benefits is an important element to calculate if the project is worth doing.
6. Use project deliverables to define success.
-We keep on simulating a project without knowing the concepts, and without knowing what we are trying to work. Defining the criteria for project success helps the project stay on track and for evaluation of the project’s performance. Goals, objectives should be defined.
7. Involve users early and often.
-From the start, the users should be one of the concerns in creating a system. Every improvement, the user interface should be regarded. Important concerns that deals with the users’ expectations and needs.
8. If you need outside help, get it.
-If there is a need of the external help, the organization should seek help.
9. Negotiate a good contract.
-It is a need to negotiate a good contract for the equal profit between the organization and the vendor. Contracts are used for the formality of every transaction. And in case of inoperable systems, the vendor could react and for the organization to heed its dignity.
10. Don’t be afraid to stop and reevaluate if things are not going well.
-Though failures may occur, the work on the system should not stop. Just keep on going! If it seems like there is something wrong with the system, reevaluate. You may find the answers to your questions, and you may find better solutions.