Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Organizational Change
Change is constant. Many have changed for the better but others are for worse. Others choose to be adaptive than to be predictive because they have this thought that not all things can be predicted. And it is all because life is a constant change. But for me, I am not really into adaptive side; I choose to be predictive rather. Change makes me nervous at times and I am not that person who can easily adapt but not quite long which is I know wrong but still I am working on it.
To understand each type and to know the reason why paradigm shifts the most radical type let us first define each of them. Automation deals with the use of Information Technology (IT) in order to speed up the process of a certain task. Rationalization of procedures is the reformation of operating procedures, removal of bottlenecks to make the operating procedures of the organization more efficient. Business reengineering is the redesigning of the business processes to improve measure of performance while paradigm shifts is the re-conceptualization or change of the nature of the business and the organization itself.
Talking about paradigm shifts as the most radical type of change, organizations could have major disruption when it is done. Although we could say that it is very dangerous because it talks about extreme change and taking high risk but still many of the organizations use it and also business reengineering. Why extreme change? As defined above, it is because it deals with changing the very nature of the business, the structure of the organization and it also deals with new products or services. Same as other individuals, organizations use paradigm shifts as their strategy to change in order to stay competitive. I have read from an article that because of the global economic pressure, organizations realized that they have to take on the challenges to meet the demands of their shareholders.
All types of change could give an organization a disruption but in two most common types – the automation and rationalization of procedures, usually, it can be managed. For the rest, especially the highly disruptive, most dangerous and most radical type of change which is paradigm shifting, it needs a lot of care and should be done well. And if done well, it can give tremendous rewards.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Own Version: Verse 1.1
Use case diagram is used to present in a graphical manner the functionality of a system. Use cases are the goals of an actor or the functions that an actor carries out. By the use of this diagram, functions of a system that are to be performed by an actor can be specified.
The above figure is a use case diagram that presents the enrollment system of the university. Use cases are represented by ovals and the actors are represented by stick figures. The connecting lines between an actor and a use case represents as the association to show that an actor carries out a use case. The figure shows the use cases that a student should perform for him/her to be officially enrolled and the other actors who are involved in the system.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Data Gathering
Based on the description of my personality that I have stated and on my choice, I could say that I would choose interviewing not because I am more comfortable with it, it is because I love the feeling (not very). I love the feeling going to companies a little bit terrified and excited. I love the feeling going to companies seeing the employees busy with their works and I love the feeling of being cold because of the air-conditioned rooms.
Among the data gathering techniques, interviewing is the most challenging for me when talking about confidence, guts and patience. You must have complete confidence in order to be good in doing such thing and to have a good outcome. You must be brave to avoid bulges while speaking and not to forget the things to say. And I do agree because I already experienced the same thing. I was very nervous at that time, I was lack of preparation, and it gave me so much trouble that made me forgot the things that I have to say even the beginning of my talk. I was totally blackout. You must also have the patience when the person from whom the information is sought keeps on talking even if the words coming are not on track anymore and if the treatment is not good to you. And as an interviewer, you must be attentive and smart in order to keep the conversation going. Ask proper questions to draw out further information, and contribute some ideas of your own on the subject being talked about.
Talking about being comfortable with, I could say that I am more comfortable with document review, observation and use of questionnaires because I do not have to talk much and no so much pressure. When using document review, I just have to rely on papers and study those. In observing, of course, I just have to observe and interpret. And when using questionnaires, I have to construct questions that would cater the information that I need then give it to the assigned person and wait.
I could say that I could get sufficient information when using interviewing. I could make sure that the information that was gathered is from a reliable source and not just a bulk of falsified papers. I could easily ask another question when needed and I could easily make clarifications if there is. It would also help me build more my self-confidence, learn more how to get along with other people not of my own age and learn to converse easily, naturally and effectively. It is also a practice for me to be ready in the future because as it has been said, as we grow older, we encounter new and different types of situations. More and more, we are expected to take part in social conversations. I might be exposed regardless of my major like having communication either verbal or written to some tasks.
Friday, January 2, 2009
On my own
If I were to choose between adaptive and predictive approach in achieving my objectives in life, I would use the latter one which is the predictive approach. Before, we were asked about how we see ourselves ten years from now and the strategies to get there. Well, in a way, that is planning I could say. Planning, for me, is very essential when we are undertaking a project or if we are aiming to achieve something. If we plan in advance, risk can be minimized, we would know where we are going and we can be sure of our actions. Of course, if possible, we don’t want to take risk and we don’t want our dreams to be just our reality. And if we plan in advance, there is a great chance for us to achieve that something. Yes, adaptive approach can be more flexible to change compared to predictive approach, but there is a high tendency of taking risk in using that approach.
In developing a system, adaptive and predictive approach both use SDLC, and activities of each phase are similar. If I were to create my own version of SDLC for me to achieve my objectives in life, this would be the activities/steps that I would undertake:
Prepare a plan.
For some actions that I take, I think first and make a plan. But sometimes, my plan doesn’t work for several reasons – plan is not good enough, there is missing in the plan, and plan is not implemented. Those are the valuable lessons for me to be learned. This time, I will make sure that my plan is in accordance with what I want and with what I need. I will make sure that it will work for the achievement of my objectives.
In preparing my plan, I will decide carefully and make my objectives specific, step-by-step, list the actions and the means in taking the action, the information, knowledge, skills, techniques that I need to master to achieve those objectives and make my own schedule on when to do those actions. In such a way, I can be sure of my actions and directions of where to go and why.
Put the plan into action.
Long before, I made a plan, but the plan was not implemented. That mistake made me regret myself and gave me the feeling of disappointment. Why is it that the plan was not implemented? Looking back from that very moment, the plan was failed to implement because of fear and hesitation that I felt. Fear for the plan to fail and I was uncertain if the plan would work. Instead of learning from that mistake, I made the same mistake again and again. But that was before. I hope and I pray that this time that dilemma would not happen again.
So, after preparing a plan, of course, the next step is to put the plan into action. In taking the action, there are factors that are needed such as information, knowledge, skills and techniques. This is now one of the reasons why planning is important. If we plan, those factors can be identified earlier and it would be easier for us to do the action. As what I have mentioned above in preparing my plan, those factors are considered and listed.
Measure performance.
After preparing my plan and putting it into action, I will also measure my performance. Why need to measure? Of course, not only me but you as well need to measure performance that we exert in our plan. By doing this, we would know how far we are going and how good we are in doing the action. We would also know if we are achieving our objectives. Errors could also be detected. And since errors are detected, we can plan for another action and fix those errors.
Based on my experience, sometimes, when evaluating performance and finding out that we are not doing well in our action, we tend to feel frustrated, sometimes we feel like giving up, depressed and then we stop. But, as it has been said, “Never give up.”
Analyze and interpret the results.
After performing the plan and measuring it, comes the results. I should ask myself, “How’s the result? Is it good or bad?” If it is good, then I should keep on doing the same good thing and keep on improving as well. If the result is bad, then I should still keep on moving but using different strategies and techniques.
Preparing a plan and then analyzing the results is not new to me since I have been doing this long before. I plan not only for the future but also for everyday. Since I am not a good decision maker and not a good planner, it takes time for me to think and then decide what is good. But I am also working on it.
Try again and maintain.
If ever I fail, I will never stop trying until I have achieved my objectives. As what I have read from a book that says, “The learning process is filled with trial and error and accompanied by some frustrations; but we learn from our mistakes.” Therefore, try and try. Even when I keep on trying but there is still no change and I keep on failing, there must be something wrong with my strategies or with my techniques. That is why we have to measure our performance and then analyze the results because as what I have said errors can be detected and the earlier the better. It is really disheartening when we keep on working, so much effort were exerted only to find out that in that long run we are not improving and we are out of track and no good results after all. But, as it has been said, “Be positive.”
Maintain. When the time comes that I’m on my success beam, I would have to maintain that success. Well, although problems and change may occur, as I am sure to have, I would have to face those problems, solve it all, and make some enhancements to expand my capabilities.
Happy New Year to all!